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Samsung, Harman team up to release new solutions

Samsung Electronics Co. showcased new solutions in the entertainment and signage business helped by its takeover of US automotive electronics firm Harman International Industries Inc., business sources said Friday.

New solutions introduced through the collaboration between the South Korean tech giant and Harman also include a hotel system, which adopted Samsung's motion sensor, along with Harman's voice recognition system, allowing clients to control curtains and other facilities in their rooms.

Te combination of Samsung's display technologies and Harman's speaker also allow theatres to provide better experiences to audiences. The solution is expected to officially hit the market in July.

Samsung and Harman said the two's collaboration is expected to continue creating new solutions for transportation, retail, hospitality and the education industries.

Market watchers, meanwhile, said Harman's performance is expected to be reflected in Samsung's second-quarter earnings report.

While Harman's performance was also included in the first-quarter report as the deal was completed in March, Samsung then did not reveal the US firm's earnings separately.

Samsung earlier said the merger is designed to secure a significant presence in the large and rapidly growing market for connected technologies, particularly automotive electronics.

The world's largest smartphone and memory chip manufacturer added that Harman will continue to operate separately, conducting its own research and marketing projects, although the two will open project teams together whenever necessary. (Yonhap)