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First teenager-run organization to launch in August

The Beautiful Foundation said Monday that it plans to set up a youth committee designed to address social issues surrounding adolescents.

The committee, to be launched in August, will hold discussions on a project aimed to alleviate a specific issue that Korean youth face. A total of 10 million won ($9,300) will be allocated to the endeavor.


The committee will become the first non-profit organization in South Korea to be run exclusively by teenagers, said the foundation.

Members of the youth committee will begin their work in August and finish in September of next year. Only teenagers who participated in Bandi, the Beautiful Foundation‘s first youth volunteerism program, or donated to the cause will be allowed to join the committee.

The Beautiful Foundation launched Bandi in 2014, where members discussed social issues as well as planned and hosted fundraisers throughout the year.

A representative from the Beautiful Foundation said that the youth committee will be a bridge into opening more doors for teenagers who seek to make a difference in their communities.

By Paige Shin / Intern reporter (
