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Cheong Wa Dae twisting and turning about former president’s bed

Cheong Wa Dae told local media on Monday that it remains undecided about what to do with the bed left behind by ousted former President Park Geun-hye.

Park reportedly bought her bed using finances from the national budget, and Cheong Wa Dae continues to mull over its options on what to do with it. 


After being expelled from the presidency over a corruption scandal, Park had attempted to move her bed from Cheong Wa Dae to her private residence in Samseong-dong, but she was not allowed to take it with her due to the means in which she acquired it.

But this has posed a myriad of problems for Cheong Wa Dae.

Since the bed was used by the former president and is considered too luxurious, the bed is considered inappropriate for staff within Cheong Wa Dae to use. But the bed also cannot be discarded, especially because it was paid for using taxpayers' money.

It was even reportedly suggested that the bed be sold to the public, but the current administration appears to view this, too, as inappropriate.

This has put Cheong Wa Dae in a difficult position.

A Cheong Wa Dae official said that Park’s successor, President Moon Jae-in, ordered a new bed and charged it to his personal card.

Like presidents living in the White House, President Moon reportedly uses his own money to pay for personal expenses, including meals and household items.

For now, Park’s bed remains in a room beside the reception area.

By Paige Shin / Intern reporter (
