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N. Korean paper warns against dependence on foreign nations for economic growth

North Korea's main newspaper on Monday warned against depending on foreign countries for economic growth ahead of its historic summit planned with the United States next month.

The Rodong Sinmun, the organ of the Workers' Party, said the North's people are strongly determined to build a prosperous socialist country envied by the entire world no matter how the political situation changes.

"All countries and nations should cultivate and bolster their own strength and resolve everything with recourse to it in order to achieve independent development and prosperity," said the editorial carried in English by the Korean Central News Agency.

"Dependence on others is a very dangerous virus which makes a nation mean and weak and lets a country go to ruin. Now that the imperialists are getting more desperate in their moves to dominate other countries and nations and the world, if one tries to get benefit from outsiders while depending on them, instead of depending on his strength, it is as foolish an act as ruining oneself." 


It went on to stress that the countries aspiring to independence and progress should not depend on others but carve out their destiny independently and creatively in order to preserve their political independence and achieve economic prosperity.

"Though one faces socio-economic difficulties and harsher pressure by the imperialist and hegemonic forces, one should think to advance, firmly believing in his strength."

The latest message of economic and political independence draws attention, as Pyongyang and Washington are believed to have been negotiating an exchange of denuclearization and economic assistance ahead of the June 12 summit in Singapore.

North Korea watchers speculate that Pyongyang's attitude appears to be aimed at enhancing its bargaining power externally and maintaining internal unity.

Sending a bit of a different signal, meanwhile, the same Pyongyang newspaper said in a different article that the North's ruling party is firmly determined to attach importance to science and education and put spurs to the building of a science and technology power.

"Our revolution will courageously tide over any difficulties and more vigorously advance faster as there is the leadership of the party attaching most importance to science and education and taking positive measures for their development," the article, also in English, said.

The watchers say the article may indicate Pyongyang's will to concentrate its future policies on the development and education of science and technology as part of its economic development drive.(Yonhap)