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Yanolja is most popular hotel booking app among Koreans

Yanolja is the most popular mobile application for domestic hotel reservations among Koreans, according to Wiseapp, which analyzes the use of mobile applications.

Among apps that provide services for domestic accommodation and flight reservations, the hotel booking app Yanolja ranked first, followed by the Yeogi-eottae and Hana Tour apps.

Yanolja’s user base was estimated to be 1.02 million in April, a twofold increase from the previous year’s 570,000.

Yanolja offers discounts for hotels and other accommodations (A screen capture from the Yanolja website)
Yanolja offers discounts for hotels and other accommodations (A screen capture from the Yanolja website)

Meanwhile, Yeogi-eottae, which had been top in 2016, had 850,000 users as of April, up 10,000 from a year ago.

Hana Tour had 640,000 users, a 60 percent on-year increase.

Apps Skyscanner and Korean Air rounded out the top five, while Modu Tour, Jeju Air, Interpark Tour and Agoda made it to the top 10.

A Wiseapp representative said that travel-related apps all showed a general upward trend.

The analysis was based on a survey of 23,000 android device users above the age of 10.

By Lim Jeong-yeo (