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[팟캐스트](256) 직장인, 간편음식 선호도 증가; 안영배 한국관광공사 사장, 워라벨 주도하는 회사될 것


진행자: 김보경, Paul Kerry

More office workers opt for quick, grab-and-go lunch: survey

주 52시간 근무제 시행 후 간편 식품 선호하는 직장인이 늘고 있습니다. 어떤 식품이 얼만큼 올랐을까요?


[1] More office workers prefer quick takeout food from convenience stores or coffee chains for their lunch hour, amid changes introduced in the country’s work culture with shortened hours, industry data showed Monday.

* opt for A: A를 선택하다

*work culture: 근무문화

[2] Convenience store chain operator CU said that at its 44 stores located in Seoul’s business districts Jung-gu, Jongno and Gangnam, sales of grab-and-go food went up by 30 percent from July 2 to 11, compared to the same period of the previous month.

*operator: 회사

* grab-and-go: 쉽게 얻을 수 있고 사용할 수 있는

[3]During this period, sales of prepackaged meals increased by 28.9 percent, while instant cup noodles rose by 32.5 percent. Sandwiches and pastries also saw sales go up by 22.5 percent and 21.7 percent, respectively.

* prepackage: 판매 전 포장된

*instance cup noodles: 즉석 컵면 

[4] Many Korean workers still have a tendency to postpone or even forfeit their paid vacation days, due to pressure from superiors or peers at work. 

* tendency: 경향
* postpone: 미루다
* forfeit: 포기하다
*superior: 선배, 상사
*peer: 동료

[5] According to Starbucks Korea, sales of sandwiches and portable food products increased by 20 percent in the second quarter this year, while the number of customers who took out drinks has significantly increased.

* portable: 휴대가 쉬운

기사 전문:

Tourism agency seeks to expand vacation subsidy, border tourism

새로 임명된 한국관광공사 안영배 사장은 관광공사가 워라벨 트렌드를 이끄는 것에 일환으로 중소기업 근무자들에게 지급되는 휴가지원을 확대하고 남북 경계선 관광을 다양화하겠다고 말했습니다.


[1]The newly appointed chief of the state-run tourism body presented his vision on its future operation, including expansion of government vacation subsidy programs and inter-Korea border tourism, during a press meeting Monday.

*appoint: 임명하다

*state-run: 국가에서 운영하는

*subsidy: 보조금

[2]Ahn Young-bae, newly appointed president of the Korea Tourism Organization, expressed hopes that the KTO would lead the trend of work-life balance for Koreans.

*expressed hopes: ~에 대한 희망을 표하다

[3]“I learned that so far this year, some KTO employees have not taken a single day off. ... Maintaining a high quality of life for employees is crucial for the company to achieve sustainable growth,” Ahn said at the Seoul Press Center. “We will mandate at least two weeks of long-term vacation, and I will personally make sure that (my employees) use them.”

* single day: 하루

* crucial: 중요하다

* sustainable growth: 지속 가능한 성장

[4]Many Korean workers still have a tendency to postpone or even forfeit their paid vacation days, due to pressure from superiors or peers at work.

* tendency: 경향

* postpone: 미루다

* forfeit: 포기하다

*superior: 선배, 상사

*peer: 동료

[5]According to data recently released by the KTO, Korean workers use an average of about 52 percent of their annual leave. It also estimated that having workers use up all of their annual leave would lead to extra spending of 16.8 trillion won ($14.9 billion).

*annual leave: 연차

* having~: ~을 하게 하는 것이

