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[팟캐스트] (258) 한국의 혈액형 문화, 고은 시인 미투 폭로에 '10억 배상' 청구


진행자: 임정요, Paul Kerry

1. Stereotyping personalities -- by blood type

기사요약: 혈액형으로 성격을 진단하는 한국 문화에 대한 주말 특집 위켄더 기사.

[1] When getting to know someone in South Korea, there is a good chance that at one point or another, you will be asked, “What’s your blood type?”To outsiders, blood type may mean nothing more than information needed to find a match for a blood transfusion. But in Korea, a person’s blood type -- either A, B, O, or AB -- is widely believed to be predictive of personality and temperament, similar to horoscopes in the West.

*blood type: 혈액형
*blood transfusion: 수혈
*predictive: 예측의
*temperament: 성정
*horoscope: 별점

[2] Under the blood type personality theory, a person with Type A blood is diligent and caring toward others, but also overly anxious and perfectionistic. Those with Type B blood are optimistic and passionate, but can be forgetful and self-centered. The theory, clearly based on pseudoscience yet still commonly referred to, works its way into romance as well.

*diligent: 성실한
*anxious: 불안해하는
*forgetful: 건망증이 있는
*psudoscience: 유사과학

[3] Despite a lack of scientific basis, the blood type personality theory has grown to become a cultural norm here since the concept emerged in the late 1990s. According to a 2017 poll by Gallup Korea, around half of the population (58 percent) said they believed the blood type personality theory to some degree, while the remaining 42 percent said they did not.

*cultural norm: 문화규범
*emerge: 나타나다


2. Poet Ko Un files 1 billion-won suit against #MeToo accuser

기사요약: 고은 시인, 미투 폭로에 ‘10억 배상’ 청구, 26일 뉴스

[1] South Korean poet Ko Un, 84, an acclaimed figure both at home and abroad, has filed a 1 billion won ($893,000) compensation suit against a fellow poet who last year publicly accused him of sexual harassment, as well as a number of members of the media who have written on the case.

*acclaimed: 명성 높은
*publicly: 공개적으로
*compensation suit: 손해배상 청구

[2] In a poem published in December, Choi Young-mi, 57, indirectly accused Ko of sexually harassing women. In “The Beast,” an elderly poet is depicted as a perpetrator who habitually and sexually assault women, including writers and publishers; the aggressor is called En, a name similar to Ko’s given name, Un.

*indirectly: 우회적으로
*depicted: 묘사되다
*perpetrator: 가해자
*habitually: 습관적으로
*aggressor: 가해자

[3] The subject of the poem was widely identified in local media as Ko shortly after the poem was published, and the piece gained greater attention in February as the #MeToo movement gained momentum in South Korea.

*subject: 대상
*gain momentum: 가속도가 붙다

