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[팟캐스트] (265) 남북 정상회담, 제주 예맨난민 23명에 체류허가


진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. Kim Jong-un expects progress at next summit with Donald Trump

기사요약: 문재인 대통령 내외는 18일 오전 8시40분 성남공항에서 전용기로 방북해 오전 10시 평양 순안공항에 도착했다. 문 대통령은 영접을 나온 김정은 위원장과 함께 평양시내를 가로질러 백화관 초대소까지 엄청난 인파의 환영을 받으며 이동했다. 2박3일간 진행되는 이번 정상회담의 3대 의제는 남북관계 개선, 비핵화를 위한 북미대화 촉진, 항구적 평화체제 정착이다.

[1] South Korean President Moon Jae-in and his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong-un, kicked off their historic summit Tuesday in hopes of reviving the stalled denuclearization talks between the US and the communist state.

*revive: 되살리다
*stalled: 정지된

[2] A closed-door meeting was held at the headquarters of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea from 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m., marking the first inter-Korean summit at the North’s ruling party building. The meeting ran beyond the allotted time by 30 minutes.

*allotted: 배정된

[3] Accompanying Moon on the South Korean side was National Security Office chief Chung Eui-yong and National Intelligence Service chief Suh Hoon, while Kim was joined by his sister Kim Yo-jong, vice director of the Central Committee of the North’s Workers’ Party and deputy chief of the ruling party’s propaganda and agitation department, and Kim Yong-chol, vice chairman of the same Central Committee.

[4] Among items on the agenda were denuclearization, inter-Korean relations and ways to ease military tensions along the border. Meeting face-to-face again after their previous summit on May 26, the two leaders expressed hopes of achieving meaningful results at the meeting.

*denuclearization: 비핵화
*ease: 완화하다
*military tension: 군사 긴장
*meaningful: 의미있는


2. 23 Yemeni asylum seekers granted 1-year stay in South Korea

기사요약: 제주출입국·외국인청은 예멘 난민 심사 대상자 484명 중 지난 13일까지 면접을 완료한 440명 가운데 영유아 동반 가족과 임산부, 미성년자, 부상자 등 23명에 대한 인도적 체류를 허가하기로 했다고 9월 14일 밝혔다. 이에 제주 난민 인권을 위한 범도민 위원회는 “인도적 체류허가는 이름과 달리 인도적인 결정이 아니다”면서 “취업 허가만 주어질 뿐 의료보험을 포함한 4대 보험과 교육을 받을 권리, 자유롭게 여행할 권리 등 모든 사회적 권리가 배제되어 있다”고 비판했다.

[1] A total of 23 Yemeni asylum seekers – many of them minors -- have been granted a one-year stay in Korea, the Jeju Immigration Office said Friday. The Jeju Immigration Office, however, did not grant legal refugee status to any of the Yemeni applicants.

*grant: 허가하다

[2] The 23 are among some 500 Yemenis who have arrived on the country’s southernmost island of Jeju since January, fleeing a civil war in their home country. Some 440 of them have applied for asylum status in South Korea and the 23 are the first to receive their results.

*flee: 도망치다
*civil war: 내전
*asylum status: 난민 신청

[3] The status given to the 23 Yemenis -- “humanitarian stay permits” -- are issued when an asylum seeker fails to establish eligibility for refugee status in Korea, but considered to have a need to stay in the country for other circumstances, such as armed conflicts back home and health conditions.

*humanitarian stay permit: 인도적 체류 허가
*eligibility: 자격
*armed conflict: 무력분쟁

