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[팟캐스트] (272) 위디스크 양진호, 미세먼지 저감대책


진행자: 임정요, Paul Kerry

1. Tech firm CEO detained over workplace abuse allegations

기사요약: 경찰이 회사 직원을 폭행하고 수련회 등에서 엽기행각을 벌인 것으로 알려져 물의를 빚은 양진호 한국미래기술 회장을 7일 전격 체포했다.

[1] Yang Jin-ho, the CEO of a cloud storage* service company, was taken into police custody Wednesday over multiple workplace* harassment and abuse allegations by his employees.

*cloud storage: 클라우드 스토리지
*workplace: 직장, 업무처

[2] A police probe was launched after video footage* went viral online, appearing to show Yang abusing his employees. In one video, the CEO of WeDisk and robot developer K-Technology is seen killing chickens with a bow and arrow* and aggressively* ordering an employee to do the same.

*footage: 영상
*bow and arrow: 활과 화살
*aggressively: 공격적으로

[3] Authorities believe the footage was filmed in 2016 during a work-related* gathering.

*work-related: 일과 관련된


2. Emergency reduction measures in effect as ultrafine dust level spikes

기사요약: 지난 6일 오후 5시 15분을 기해 서울형 미세먼지 비상저감조치가 발령되며 미세먼지가 심한 날 노후경유차의 서울 진입을 제한하는 조치가 7일 첫 시행 됐다.

[1] The Seoul Metropolitan Government lifted an ultrafine dust warning Wednesday afternoon, 24 hours after it was issued, while the ultrafine* dust advisory* remained in effect for the country’s western regions, including the North and South Chungcheong and Jeolla provinces.

*metropolitan: 대도시의
*ultrafine (ultra-): 미세한

[2] Following alarming levels of ultrafine dust in Korea, the Environment Ministry and metropolitan governments issued emergency fine dust reduction measures on Wednesday. The warning in Seoul was lifted after the level of particulate matter* 2.5 micrometers* or less in diameter fell to 34 micrograms* per cubic meter at 2 p.m. 

*alarming: 걱정스러운
*particulate matter: 입자성 물질

[3] Weather authorities forecast that rain accompanied* by strong winds would wash away ultrafine dust across the country Thursday.

*accompanied: 동반한

[4] The Seoul Metropolitan Government banned older diesel vehicles registered before Dec. 31, 2005 that weigh over 2.5 tons from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, the first time the city has done so. It also closed down 456 public parking lots and shortened operating hours of 12 air pollutant discharge facilities and 151 construction sites.

*discharge: 배출

