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Forum to explore inter-Korean solidarity on Japan's wartime sex slavery

A South Korean civic group said Thursday it will hold a symposium later this week to shed light on North Korean victims of Japan's wartime sexual enslavement and create inter-Korean solidarity to solve the issue.

Some 200,000 Korean women are estimated to have been forcibly taken to front-line military brothels by imperialist Japan during World War II. 


"We'll hold a symposium under the title of 'Inter-Korean Solidarity for Memories and Testimonies of Survivors of Japan's Sexual Slavery' at Seoul Global Center on Friday," the Seoul-based Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery said. The organization recently rechristened its name as Justice for the Comfort Women. 'Comfort women' is a euphemism of the victims.

Inter-Korean exchanges and solidarity are important in tackling comfort women issues as there were many victims of Japan's sexual slavery not only in South Korea but also in the North, the organization said.

"The two Koreas' joint discovery and studies of the North Korean victims and military brothels are a critical factor in finding the truth behind the issues and advancing their solution in a righteous way," it said.

The event has been arranged on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the launch of the organization. (Yonhap)