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Protests set to cause heavy traffic in Seoul on Saturday

Heavy traffic is expected on Saturday in major parts of central Seoul, with around 20,000 protesters set to take part in various rallies in the city, Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency said Friday.

A coalition of progressive civic groups is set to hold a major demonstration in front of the National Assembly in Yeouido, starting at noon to 7 p.m. on Saturday, with 10,000 people expected to attend. This is the largest protest against the government since President Moon Jae-in’s inauguration in May 2017. The groups criticize the government’s failure to bring corrupt elites to justice and its policies that they view as anti-labor. 


At a similar time, around 7,000 supporters of ousted President Park Geun-hye will gather in front of Seoul Station, calling for her release. The pro-Park protest will march from the station toward the Sejong Center in Gwanghwamun via Namdaemun.

The Gwanghwamun district will be congested with small rallies including 2,000 expected from MeTooAction2018, and other rallies from LGBT groups and anti-US university groups, and people calling for stronger anti-pollution measures.

Information about the traffic conditions in rally marching timeline can be reached via Seoul Metropolitan police agency information line (02) 700-5000, Comprehensive Traffic Information Center website at and smartphone applications.

The City is to temporarily change the bus lines that penetrate the rally areas which can be checked through calling 120.

By Yoon Yeun-jung (