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[팟캐스트] (349) 초고령화 사회 / 코로나19, 심장에도 영향?


진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. Korea set to be superaged society within 4 years

요약: 한국, 2024년이면 세계에서 여덟번째로 초고령화 사회 진입.

[1] South Korea is projected to become one of eight superaged societies in the world by 2024, alongside the existing five -- Japan, Italy, Germany, Sweden and France -- and two other candidates like to ascend -- Canada and the UK.

*superaged: 초고령화
*existing: 현존하는

[2] A superaged (or post-aged or ultra-aged) society refers to a nation whose elderly population accounts for 20 percent or more of the entire population (one out of every five people), according to a stipulation by the United Nations. The proportion of seniors, aged 65 or over, came to a fresh high, 15.8 percent in Korea as of March, according to the Ministry of Interior and Safety.

*elderly population: 노령인구
*account for: ~을 차지하다
*stipulation: 명문화

[3] The growth of their percentage is steep, given that the nation just became an aged society in July 2017, when the percentage of elderly population posted 14 percent after becoming an aging society in 2000 with the figure surpassing 7 percent.

*steep: 가파르다
*surpass: 넘어서다

[4] Though Statistics Korea forecasts that the year of becoming a superaged society would be 2026, there is a high possibility that the timing will be advanced by about two years to 2024.

*high possibility: 높은 가능성
*advanced: 앞당겨지다

기사 전문:

2. Not just lungs: Coronavirus can damage other organs

요약: 코로나19가 기존에 알려진 폐질환 뿐 아니라 심장질환 및 다른 장기에도 악영향을 끼칠 수 있다는 발표

[1] South Korea reported over the weekend the first case of a heart disease linked to novel coronavirus infection, suggesting the virus most commonly known to cause respiratory distress may have a wider spectrum of complications.

*commonly known: 익히 알려지다
*respiratory distress: 폐 질환
*complications: 합병증

[2] In Daegu, Korea’s worst affected city with 64 percent of the total virus tally, a 21-year-old woman without preexisting medical conditions suffered an acute myocarditis from COVID-19.

*worst affected: 가장 많은 피해를 입은
*preexisting condition: 기존 질환
*acute myocarditis: 급성 심근염

[3] The young patient initially exhibited typical symptoms of the virus including a cough, sore throat, fever and diarrhea when she was confirmed as a mild case in late February, said cardiologist Dr. Kim In-cheol, who treated her.

*initially: 초반에는
*exhibited: 보이다
*typical symptoms: 전형적인 증상

[4] But around three days after being diagnosed, she started experiencing worsening breathing difficulties and had to be taken to the intensive care unit of Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital -- a coronavirus-only hospital for severely or critically ill patients.

*experience: 겪다
*intensive care unit: 집중 치료 병동

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