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[팟캐스트] (373) 외교부장관 남편 해외여행 '부적절' 논란 / 빅히트 상장


진행자: 임정요, Paul Kerry

1. Foreign minister in hot water over husband's US trip to purchase yacht

요약: 강경화 외교부장관의 남편 이일병 교수가 코로나19 사태에 여행자제 권고에도 불구하고 개인 요트 구매를 위해 미국 여행을 떠나 논란이 일고 있다.

[1] Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha has been hit by controversy over her husband’s recent trip to the US presumably to purchase a yacht, with political parties lambasting the excursion as “inappropriate,” saying it went against her own recommendation that people refrain from overseas travel amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

*hit by controversy: 논란의 중심이 되다
*presumably: 아마도, 높은 가능성으로
*lambast: 맹공하다, 거세게 비난하다
*excursion: 여행
*inappropriate: 부적절하다
*go against: ~에 반대되다
*refrain from doing A: ~하는것을 자제하다

[2] Local broadcaster KBS on Saturday reported that Lee Yill-byung, a professor emeritus of computer science at Yonsei University, was spotted at Incheon Airport about to depart for the US for personal travel. Lee had shared his plans to purchase a yacht and travel around the US on his personal blog for months, according to the report.

*professor emeritus: 명예교수

[3] “I am going on self-guided travel,” he said on camera at the airport. “Coronavirus isn’t going to disappear in a day or two. I just can’t remain at home all the time,” he responded when asked about concerns surrounding his trip, amid the government’s advice to refrain from nonessential travel.

*nonessential: 필수가 아닌

[4] Lee’s trip comes as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ special travel advisory, issued in March, remains in effect. The ministry is still asking the public to either cancel or postpone all overseas travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and has extended the travel advisory until Oct. 19. People in Korea were also urged to refrain from long-distance travel and stay home as much as possible during the recent five-day Chuseok holiday.

*remain in effect: 유효하다


2. Retail investors rush to submit deposits for Big Hit’s public subscription

요약: 글로벌 케이팝 그룹 방탄소년단의 소속사인 빅히트엔터테인먼트의 상장소식에 개인투자자들이 앞다투어 청약바람을 일으켰다.

[1] Retail investors had submitted some 8.62 trillion won ($7.43 billion) in deposits during the first day of the two-day preorder session for stocks of Big Hit Entertainment, the agency behind K-pop sensation BTS, reflecting explosive interest from retail investors, according to investment banking sources on Monday. It was more than the figure seen on the first day of public subscription of SK Biopharmaceuticals, that marked around 5.9 trillion won, but far less than Kakao Games with 16.4 trillion won, they said.

*retail investor: 개인투자자
*submit in deposits: 증거금을 납부하다
*preorder session: 청약기간
*reflect: 시사하다
*explosive interest: 폭발적인 관심
*subscription: 청약

[2] While NH Investment & Securities and Korea Investment & Securities received subscriptions as the lead underwriters of the IPO, competition at the brokerages marked 69.77 to 1 and 114.82 to 1, respectively. Competition at other members of the underwriter group Mirae Asset Daewoo and Kiwoom Securities also came in at 87.99 to 1 and 66.23 to 1. Overall, the shares were oversubscribed 89.6 times on the day.

*lead underwriter: 주관사
*oversubscribed: 경쟁률이 100을 웃돌다

[3] With around 1.42 million shares, or 20 percent of the company’s total offering, being sold to retail investors under the planned IPO, some market watchers previously forecast that Big Hit might break Kakao Games’ record. Last month, retail investors chipped in some 58.55 trillion won in subscription deposits for the game publisher’s stock. That competition also marked 1,524.85 to 1.

*offering: 제시된 것
*chip in: 돈을 각출하다, 조금씩 내다

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