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[팟캐스트] (402) ‘이건희 컬렉션’ 공공 영역에 나누어 기증 / 군 훈련소 코로나 사태 부실 대응 주장에 실태 조사 나서기로 한 인권위

An army conscript claims that he had not been given sufficient meals while in quarantine in a Facebook post on April 18. (Yonhap)
An army conscript claims that he had not been given sufficient meals while in quarantine in a Facebook post on April 18. (Yonhap)

진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. Lee’s art collection to be split up, donated to public sector
   - Some experts say collection should have been kept intact

요약: 국립박물관을 비롯 공공 영역에 나누어 기증하게 된 ‘이건희 컬렉션’

[1] The long-anticipated announcement on the fate of the late Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-hee’s art collection, delivered Wednesday, drew mixed reactions from the art world.

* long-anticipated 오래 기다린, 기대한
* draw 자아내다, 끌어당기다

[2] Around 23,000 art pieces -- 21,600 antique works and 1,600 modern and contemporary works -- will be donated to a number of public museums around the country as well as to Seoul National University, according to Samsung.

* antique 골동품
* contemporary 현대의, 동시대의

[3] Experts welcomed the news that many of the works would be donated to smaller public museums dedicated to specific artists, pointing out that they often lack the funding to purchase major works by the artists to which they are dedicated. But not everyone welcomed the news that Lee’s collection would be split up.

* be dedicated to -에 전념하는, 헌신하는
* split up 분리, 분할하다. 헤어지다

[4] “It seems the collection will end up scattered in different entities across the country, which lowers the value of the collection. It would have been better to keep the collection as a whole at one place to showcase as Lee Kun-hee’s collection. That would have helped attract more attention and visitors to the works both from home and abroad,” said Choe Byong-suh, an honorary professor at Dongduk Women’s University.

* scattered 드문드문, 산재한, 산발적인
* entity 독립체, 기업, 단체
* honorary professor 명예 교수

기사 원문:

2. Watchdog to probe military for abuse allegations in COVID response

요약: 군 훈련소에서 일어난 코로나 사태 부실 대응 주장에 조사 착수하기로 나선 인권위

[1] South Korea’s National Human Rights Commission said Thursday that it will launch an investigation into allegations that the military violated rights of conscripts who said they had been fed poorly and denied access to bathrooms due to the COVID-19 response.

* allegations (증거 없이 누가 부정한 일을 했다는) 혐의
* conscript 징집하다, 징집병

[2] The previous week, an Army conscript prompted public outcry when he revealed on Facebook that he had been given insufficient meals while in quarantine, showing a picture of what appeared to be a nearly empty tray.

* insufficient 불충분한
* appear to be -하게 보이다

[3] The military admitted there had been a shortage of meals rationed because those in quarantine had to receive their meals after others, adding that it will increase the supply.

* shortage 부족
* ration 배급량, 할당 식량

[4] The rights panel said it will make in-person interviews with conscripts who had lodged complaints, and look at rights abuses at major boot camps. Outside experts will join the probe to help write up a recommendation, it added. The military said it will cooperate with the inquiry.

* in-person 직접의, 실황의, 생생한
* lodge (공공 기관, 당국에 이의 등을) 제기, 제출하다

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