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14 embassies in S. Korea co-host KF’s 30th anniversary, hold World Cinema Week together

Korea Foundation's opening ceremony of World Cinema Week (Korea Foundation)
Korea Foundation's opening ceremony of World Cinema Week (Korea Foundation)
World Cinema Week is being held in Seoul through July 1, hosted by the Korea Foundation and the embassies of Bulgaria, Argentina, Brazil, France, Greece, Guatemala, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Paraguay, Peru, Sweden,Thailand and Turkey .

World Cinema Week is held annually in cooperation with the Korea Foundation and diplomatic missions in South Korea to introduce films from countries not easily accessible to Koreans.

This year’s World Cinema Week presents recent films from Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Guatemala, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Paraguay, Peru, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, Central and South America, Northern Europe, the Balkans, Southeast Asia and Central Asia.

Movie screenings -- both online and offline -- are free. For more information visit the Korea Foundation World Film Week website: (, Naver TV ( or Korea Foundation YouTube channel.

By Sanjay Kumar (