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[팟캐스트] (415) 웹예능에 빠진 유통가 / 코로나19 사태 이후 정신장애, 섭식장애 급증

Convenience store chain CU’s web-based entertainment show “CUperman” thumbnail (BGF Retail)
Convenience store chain CU’s web-based entertainment show “CUperman” thumbnail (BGF Retail)

진행자: 최지원, Naomi Garyan

1. Retailers go for self-produced shows, dramas as promotional outlet

요약: 유통업계의 큰손으로 떠오른 MZ세대(밀레니얼 세대와 1990년대 중반 이후 출생한 Z세대)를 잡기 위해 유통기업들이 예능 콘텐츠 제작에 뛰어들고 있다.

[1] Now in the era of social media, companies don’t need TV for exposure. They can even create 10-minute videos and drama series and air them on YouTube and other platforms.

*exposure: 노출, 알려짐
*to air: 방송하다

[2] At the forefront of this new trend is CU, a leading convenience store chain here. Its self-produced entertainment show, “CUperman” has garnered an accumulated 2 million views via its YouTube channel, Facebook and Instagram -- in just a month.

*forefront: 선두, 맨 앞
*to garner: 모으다, 얻다
*accumulated: 누적된

[3] Unlike most TV commercials that focus on a product endorsed by a celebrity, “CUperman” has a reality show format, with each episode about seven to 10 minutes long.

*to endorse: 공개적으로 지지하다; 홍보하다
*reality show: 예능 프로그램

[4] While the new attempt has yet to produce a tangible impact on sales of the featured items, the company believes it freshens the chain’s brand image with young consumers, and will benefit the company in the long run, Yoo Cheol-hyun from the public relations department of BGF Retail told The Korea Herald.

*tangible: 실재하는; 만질 수 있는; 유형의
*to feature ~: ~를 다루다; ~를 특색으로 하는

[5] Millennials and Generation Z, encompassing those born from the 1980s forward, have together emerged as a target demographic group for retail companies in recent years.

*encompassing: 아우르는, 포함하는
*to emerge: 등장하다; 떠오르다
*target demographic group: (인구통계학적) 목표 집단


2.. More Koreans suffer mental disorders amid pandemic

요약: 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 사태가 2년째 지속되면서 지난해 150만명이 넘는 국민들이 정신장애와 섭식장애 질환을 겪은 것으로 나타났다.

[1] Last year, the number of people diagnosed with either depression, insomnia, anorexia or bulimia stood at 1,504,181, up by 67,233, or 4.67 percent, from the previous year, according to government data.

*diagnosed: 진단받다
*depression: 우울증
*insomnia: 불면증
*anorexia: 거식증
*bulimia: 폭식증

2] Depression accounted for 55.7 percent of all cases, while those suffering from insomnia stood at 43.8 percent. Those who were dealing with anorexia and bulimia took up 0.5 percent.

*account for~: (부분,비율) 차지하다

3] Overall, women outnumbered men, taking up 64 percent of the total.
Among those with depression, the growth rate of women in their 20s was the highest at 31.7 percent on-year. For both men and women, the surge in cases of depression among people in their 20s and 30s was higher than that of other age groups.

*outnumber: 수적으로 우세하다, 더 많다
*on-year: 전년 대비 (=year on year)

[4] Rep. Lee pointed out that the public mental health issues and eating disorders should no longer be taken as personal problems or temporary symptoms caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

*eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia): 섭식장애
*be taken as~: ~로 받아들여지다, ~로 취급하다

[5] Last December, the government classified “coronavirus depression” as a disease code in the national health system. But they have not done enough to understand the overall state of people’s mental health in the course of the pandemic, Lee said.

*to classify: 분류하다
*in the course of~: ~하는 과정에서 (=during)



[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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