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NK organization demands Japan's atonement for wrongdoings during its colonial rule of Korea

North Korean flag (AFP-Yonhap)
North Korean flag (AFP-Yonhap)
A North Korean organization called Sunday for Japan's sincere apology and atonement for its wrongdoings and atrocities committed during its 1910-45 colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula, state media said Sunday.

The Korean Committee on Measures for the Sexual Slavery for Japanese Army and Drafting Victims made the request in a statement carried by the Korean Central News Agency on the occasion of the Korean Peninsula's liberation from Japan's rule.

"Still kept buried everywhere in Asia where the feet of the Japanese imperialist aggression forces reached and even under the sea, to say nothing of in Japan, are remains of the Korean people who met grievous deaths. With nothing can their grievance be relieved," the committee said.

"Far from making apology and repentance of the crimes against humanity committed by the Japanese imperialists, Japan has adopted mean hostile policy toward the DPRK, has extended sanctions against it year after year," it added.

DPRK is the acronym of the North's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The committee noted such behavior clearly proves that Japan has "no guilty conscience for its past history of aggression, and instead it has become all the more reckless to return to its position in the past when it professed the 'leader of Asia.'"

"We will certainly take stock of how much human, material and mental damage Japan had caused to the Korean people after occupying Korea for over 40-year occupation of Korea in the last century and how viciously it antagonized the DPRK and persecuted Koreans in Japan for scores of years after its defeat and make it pay for its crimes," it said. (Yonhap)