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[팟캐스트] (448) 완성차 중고차 시장 진출 내부 준비 마쳐/ 윤석열 대통령 당선인 5월까지 집무실 용산으로 이전

Used cars are paked at a lot in Seoul.(Yonhap)
Used cars are paked at a lot in Seoul.(Yonhap)

진행: 홍유, Brolley Genster

1. Carmakers gearing up to reshape used car market

기사 요약: 완성차 중고차 시장 진출 내부 준비 마쳐

After the Ministry of SMEs and Startups greenlighted the large automotive companies’ entry to the secondhand car market, carmakers here have been quick to announce their plans to launch secondhand services within the year.

*greenlight: 허가, 승인
*secondhand: 중고의; 간접의, 전해들은

Their entry could bring huge change to the used car market here, which has been protected by the government until recently for microenterprises.

*entry: 입장
*microenterprises: 작은 기업체

Lotte Rental, which operates a rent-a-car business, announced Friday that it would also enter the used car market in the second half of this year, selling vehicles it had rented out for 3 to 5 years.

*operate: 작동하다
*second half: 하반기

Hyundai Motor will be the first to launch the used car service, as the carmaker made it official on Mar. 7 that it would enter the market by selling only the high-quality certified used cars that have been driven less than 100,000 kilometers and owned for less than five years.

*make sth official: 공식화하다
*certified: 보증된, 증명된


2. Yoon confirms presidential office to relocate to Yongsan by May

기사요약: 윤석열 대통령 당선인 5월까지 집무실 용산으로 이전

President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol on Sunday confirmed the relocation of the presidential office to the Defense Ministry compound in Yongsan-gu, central Seoul, vowing to put an end to the "imperial" presidency.

*relocate: 이전하다
*imperial: 제국의

In a press briefing held at the transition team’s office, Yoon said his team has decided to relocate the presidential office from the current Cheong Wa Dae compound in Jongno-gu, central Seoul, to fulfill his promise of returning the area to the general public and communicating more with the people.

*compound: 복합 주거
*fulfill: 다하다, 이행하다

Yoon said he would start his five-year term at the new presidential office in Yongsan-gu immediately after his inauguration on May 10. The Cheong Wa Dae area will be fully open to the public on the same day, he added.

*term: 기간; 임기
*inauguration: 취임, 개시

"I do understand the concerns that I might be rushing to move the presidential office too hastily with just 50 days left before starting the term, but I determined that it would be much more difficult to move away from the symbol of imperial power, Cheong Wa Dae, after moving into the compound," he said.

*concern: 우려
*hastily: 급히, 서둘러서


[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):

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