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[팟캐스트] (463) 소비자물가, 외환위기 이후 24년 만에 6% 상승 / 50년만에 뒤집힌 美 임신중지권

A gas station in Seoul shows the retail price of gasoline and diesel on June 19. (Yonhap)

진행자: 최정윤, Brolley Genster

1. S. Korea's inflation at 24-year high in June; sharp rate hike in offing

[1] South Korea's consumer prices rose at the fastest clip in nearly 24 years in June due mainly to soaring energy costs, data showed Tuesday, fanning expectations of a sharp rate hike this month.
*clip: 속도
*fan: 부채질을 하다, 가속화하다

[2] Consumer prices soared 6 percent last month from a year earlier, accelerating from a 5.4 percent on-year spike in May, according to the data from Statistics Korea. It marked the sharpest inflation rate since a 6.8 percent jump in November 1998, when South Korea was in the midst of the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis.
*spike: 급등
*in the midst of: ~하는 가운데/ 한창일 때

[3] South Korea faces growing inflationary pressure, as crude oil and other commodity prices rose due to the protracted war between Russia and Ukraine, and global supply disruptions.
*inflationary: 인플레이션의/에 의한
*protracted: 오래 계속된(=prolonged)



2. Abortion ruling prompts variety of reactions from states

[1] The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that had provided a constitutional right to abortion. The ruling is expected to lead to abortion bans in roughly half the states, although the timing of those laws taking effect varies.
*overturn:(판결 등을) 뒤집다, 번복시키다
*constitutional: 헌법의
*ruling: 결정, 판결

[2] Some Republican-led states will ban or severely limit abortion immediately, while other restrictions will take effect later. At least one state, Texas, is waiting until after the Supreme Court issues its formal judgment in the case, which is separate from the opinion issued Friday and could take about a month.
*red states/ blue states: 공화당이 집권하는 주/ 민주당이 집권하는 주
*take effect: 효력을 발휘하기 시작하다/ 시행, 적용되다
*issue: 발표하다/ 발부하다

[3] In anticipation of the decision, several states led by Democrats have taken steps to protect abortion access. The decision also sets up the potential for legal fights between the states over whether providers and those who help women obtain abortions can be sued or prosecuted.
*anticipation: 예상, 예측/ 기대, 고대
*legal fights over: ~에 대한 법적 싸움
*prosecute: 기소, 고발하다/ 공소를 제기하다


[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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