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[팟캐스트] (478) 이병헌·유아인 주연 영화 ‘승부’ 영화관 건너 뛰고 넷플릭스행 논의 중 / 동거·사실혼 남녀 10명 중 3명 "정부 지원서 차별 겪었다"

Actors Lee Byung-hun and Yoo Ah-in
Actors Lee Byung-hun and Yoo Ah-in

진행자: 간형우, Beth Eunhee Hong

1. 'The Match' starring Lee Byung-hun, Yoo Ah-in mulls skipping theaters for Netflix release

기사 요약: 이병헌·유아인 주연 영화 ‘승부,’ 영화관 개봉 대신 넷플릭스 공개행을 논의 중인 것으로 알려졌다. 

[1] New drama film “The Match,” which stars big-name actors Lee Byung-hun and Yoo Ah-in as Go players, is considering skipping a theatrical release and going straight to a streaming platform.

*mull: 숙고하다, 실수하다
*Go: 바둑
*consider: 고려하다

[2] Netflix on Wednesday said they are in talks with officials of ‘The Match’ concerning its release but, "nothing has been decided yet.”

*in talks with: ~와 대화중인
*concern: ~에 영향을 미치다, ~에 관련되다, 우려

[3] The announcement denies a local news outlet’s report Tuesday that said Netflix and producers of “The Match” had agreed to release the film on the streaming platform.

*deny: 사실이 아니라고 말하다, 부인하다 

[4] According to the report, “The Match,” like many other Korean films, initially sought the right time for a theatrical release, but its producers were considering changing tactics as theater attendance has not improved drastically following the easing of the COVID-19 restrictions.

*initially: 처음에
*seek: 찾다, 추구하다
*tactics: 전술, 작전
*attendance: 출석, 참석자 수
*drastically: 급격히, 대폭

기사 원문:

2. Unmarried couples say they face disadvantages

기사 요약: ‘법적 가족’으로 인정받지 못한 동거나 사실혼 상태의 남녀 10명 중 3명꼴로 정부 지원에서 차별을 겪은 적이 있는 것으로 조사됐다. 

[1] Couples outside legal boundaries are still facing various disadvantages, data showed Thursday.

*boundary: 경계, 분계선

[2] According to a report from the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 28.3 percent of partners who are in a nontraditional form of family, such as common-law partners, said they have faced disadvantages in government policy.

*common-law partners: 사실혼 및 동거 부부

[3] The survey asked 159 men and 177 women between the ages of 19 and 49 in 291 households with unmarried couples whether they have experienced any kind of discrimination or inconvenience.

*discrimination: 차별
*inconvenience: 불편

[4] Of them, 28.3 percent said they faced obstacles in accessing government welfare policies, while 21.2 percent said they had inconveniences in getting daily services.

*obstacle: 장애(물)
*welfare: 복지

기사 원문:


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