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[팟캐스트] (498) 네이버웹툰, 뉴욕타임스 제치고 ‘미디어 혁신 기업’ 1위 올라/ ADHD 환자 4년 새 2배 늘었다


진행자: 홍유, Beth Eunhee Hong

1. Naver's Webtoon ranked one of world's most innovative platforms


기사요약: 네이버웹툰, ‘미디어 혁신 기업’ 1위 올라
[1] Webtoon, South Korean tech giant Naver’s digital comics platform, has been ranked No. 8 on Fast Company’s list of the World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies of 2023.
*tech giant: 테크 대기업
*innovative: 혁신적인
[2] Fast Company is a monthly American business magazine that publishes an annual ranking of the most innovative companies, this year in 54 different industries and sectors. In the media sector, Webtoon was ranked top, followed by The New York Times.
*publish: 출판하다
*anuual: 매년의; 연례의;
[3] Fast Company said, “Webtoon pioneered a new way to experience digital comics when it reformatted them into a vertical scroll that’s tailor-made for mobile devices -- and then delivered them to readers in snackable weekly installments.”
*pioneer: 개척하다
*tailor-made: 맞춤의
*snackable: 미디어가 쉽고 빠르게 소비할 수 있게 만들어진
[4] Naver’s digital comics platform currently has more than 85 million monthly active readers, the company said.
*active: 활동적인
2. ADHD cases doubled in last four years: data
기사요약: ADHD 환자 4년 새 2배 늘었다
[1] ADHD is characterized by a short attention span, excessive activity or difficulty controlling behavior, sometimes resulting in poor school performance.
*span: 기간, 걸치다, 수명
*excessive: 지나친, 과도한
[2] Not paying attention in class, getting bored with school assignments, continuously moving, getting distracted and blurting out inappropriate comments are the typical symptoms of ADHD.
*assignments: 과제, 임무
*blurt: 불쑥 내뱉다
[3] The cause of most ADHD cases is unknown but is believed to be inherited or involve interactions between genetics, the environment and social factors.
*inherit: 상속받다, 물려받다.
*genetics: 유전학
[4] It is also speculated that it may sometimes be caused by brain injuries, smoking and drinking during pregnancy, or exposure to lead.
*speculate: 추측하다
*exposure: 노출

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):
팟빵 (안드로이드):


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