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[팟캐스트] (501) 전두환 손자 마약 혐의로 입국 후 체포/ 디지털 시대에 심화되는 학교 폭력

Chun Woo-won, former President Chun Doo-hwan’s grandson, enters the arrival gate of Incheon International Airport Terminal 2, wearing handcuffs, Tuesday. (Herald Business)
Chun Woo-won, former President Chun Doo-hwan’s grandson, enters the arrival gate of Incheon International Airport Terminal 2, wearing handcuffs, Tuesday. (Herald Business)

진행자: 최정윤, Beth Eunhee Hong

1. Ex-president Chun Doo-hwan's grandson arrested over drug use as he enters Korea 기사 요약: 전두환 손자 마약 혐의로 입국 직후 인천 공항서 체포

[1] Chun Woo-won, grandson of former President Chun Doo-hwan, arrived in Korea on Tuesday and was immediately arrested on suspicion of drug offences. The 27-year-old, who lives in New York, arrived at Incheon Airport at around 6 a.m. Tuesday. The drug investigation team under the Seoul Metropolitan Police arrested Chun and took him to Seoul for further investigation. He was wearing handcuffs as he appeared at the arrival gate.

* on suspicion of: ~혐의로

[2] Before the flight, Chun repeatedly expressed his will to visit Gwangju and apologize to the bereaved families and victims of the Gwangju Democratic Uprising. Regarding the drug use charges, Chun said "I showed it all through the live stream, to confront my sin. My records of drug usage can be checked through hospitals in the United States."

*bereaved: 사별을 당한

[3] South Korea claims jurisdiction over its citizens even outside of the country, so Koreans can be subject to prosecution, even if they use drugs overseas.

*jurisdiction: 관할권, 사법권

*be subject to: ~의 대상이다


2. Schoolyard nightmares extend their reach in digital age

기사 요약: 디지털 시대에 심화되는 학교 폭력

[1] The recent success of the Netflix original series “The Glory” has reignited the nation’s concern over violence inflicted on students by their peers, renewing calls for countermeasures against bullying in both schoolyards and in cyberspace.

*inflict: (괴로움 등을) 가하다, ~ 안기다

[2] On Friday, a local organization, the Blue Tree Foundation, held a campaign in Seoul decrying school violence and cyberbullying. The Ministry of Education announced that it will roll out new measures against school bullying next month, sparked by a recent controversy involving bullying allegations against the son of the disgraced former National Office of Investigation head nominee.

*decry: 비난하다, 매도하다 (denounce, condemn, criticize)

[3] Between campaigns, a hit TV show depicting the vengeful path of a bullying victim and nationwide furor over the son of a powerful man leading the life of someone elite while his victim still suffers, the nation -- at least on the surface -- seems more wary than ever toward violence among students.

*vengeful: 복수심에 불타는, 복수심을 보이는

*furor: 격렬한 감격, 분노, 격노 (an outbreak of public anger/ or excitement)

[4] But the numbers indicate that there is a long way to go before eradicating schoolyard bullying, which has expanded to cyberspace, with a recent study showing an upward trend in cyberbullying among teens.

*eradicate: 근절하다, 뿌리뽑다 (eradicate crime, corruption)

기사 원문:

By Korea Herald (