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[팟캐스트] (519) 서울서 고양이 AI 감염 의심 사례 발생 / '엘리멘탈', 올해 최고 흥행한 외화 작품 등극

진행자: 박준희, Beth Eunhee Hong

1. More suspected cases of cats with avian influenza reported in Seoul

기사 요약: 서울에서 '고양이 AI' 감염 의심 사례가 잇따라 발생하고 있다.

[1] Four days after two cats were confirmed to have been infected with avian influenza, commonly called bird flu, at an animal shelter in Seoul, three more suspected bird flu cases in cats were reported in the city on Saturday.

*be infected with a virus: 바이러스에 걸리다

*Animal shelter: 동물 보호소

*Shelter: (비바람·위험·공격으로부터의) 피신[대피]; 피하다

*suspected: 미심쩌근; 의심나는

[2] The three suspected cases of H5N1 virus infections were found at a cat shelter in Gwanak-gu, Seoul, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said, adding that it will take two or three days to find out if the infections were highly pathogenic, resulting in severe morbidity and mortality.

*Pathogenic: 발병시키는

*Result in: 그 결과 ~가 되다

*Morbidity: (어떤 병의) 사망률

*Mortality: (특정 기간·상황에서의) 사망자 수

[3] The shelter had reported a mysterious case of en masse cat deaths, with 38 of the cats under its care dead since late last month.

*Mysterious: 기이한; 신비한; 비밀스러운

*En masse: (보통 많은 수가) 집단으로

[4] Bird flu has spread throughout Europe in recent years, leading to a cull in May and June of millions of birds on French farms alone and affecting the supply of poultry meat and eggs, according to Reuters.

*Spread: 확산; 전파

*Cull: (특정 동물의 수를 제한하기 위한) 도태

*Affecting: 영향을 끼치다

기사 원문:

2. ‘Elemental’ becomes 2023’s most-viewed foreign movie

기사 요약: 디즈니·픽사 애니메이션 영화 '엘리멘탈'이 올해 국내에서 개봉한 외국 영화 가운데 558만 관객 수를 돌파하면서 가장 흥행한 작품에 등극했다.

[1] Disney-owned Pixar Animation Studios’ “Elemental” has become the most-viewed foreign film this year in South Korea, contrary to the film’s not-so-positive North American box office record.

*Most viewed: 가장 많이 본

*Contrary to: ~에 반해 서

*Not-so-positive: 긍정적이지 않은

[2] According to data compiled by the Korean Film Council (KOFIC), “Elemental” has drawn 5.58 million moviegoers here as of Sunday since its release on June 14. “Elemental” took over the title of the most-viewed foreign film, previously held by Japanese animated film “Suzume” which had attracted 5.53 million admissions since March 8 as of Sunday.

*Compiled: (여러 출처에서 자료를 따와) 엮다

*Moviegoers: 영화광 / movie buff

*Take over something: ~를 장악하다

*Admissions: 입장수

[3] Set in a bayside metropolis called Elemental City, the film revolves around four elements that live in harmony – fire, water, land and air. The film is a love story between water element Wade Ripple and fire element Ember Lumen. Wade and Ember learn to collaborate with each other to save Ember’s family business.

*Metropolis: 주요 도시

*Revolve around: ~을 중심으로 다루다

*Collaborate with: ~와 협동하다

[4] Directed by Korean American Peter Sohn, the film is inspired by his childhood and his parents who immigrated to New York from South Korea.

*Inspired by: ~에서 영감을 받다

*Childhood: 어린시절

[5] The story of immigrants, family sacrifice and characters’ individuality resonated with Korean audiences. The film’s success here is attributed largely to positive word of mouth.

*Resonate with something: 와 닿았다

*Word of mouth: 입소문

기사 원문:


[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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팟빵 (안드로이드):

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