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'Dancing woman' on Seoul street arrested for meth use

An excerpt from the police camera footage showing the suspect during the police encounter, Nov. 2 (Seoul Police Youtube channel)
An excerpt from the police camera footage showing the suspect during the police encounter, Nov. 2 (Seoul Police Youtube channel)

In yet another stark reminder of South Korea's escalating drug problem, Seoul Bangbae Police arrested a woman in her 40s on Nov. 2 for drug use -- under rather unusual circumstances caught on police camera.

The incident began as a minor traffic mishap in Seocho-gu, Seoul. The woman, driving a white vehicle, was involved in what initially appeared to be a routine fender bender.

Her behavior at the scene quickly raised suspicions, however. Footage from the patrol car's dashcam shows the woman restlessly moving around and, at one point, bizarrely dancing on the street.

After a test for alcohol intoxication returned negative results, police sensed something amiss. An additional drug test revealed the woman was under the influence of methamphetamine. A subsequent search of the vehicle yielded multiple syringes stashed inside.

The woman was promptly detained following the discovery. She had a prior conviction for drug use, according to police.

The whole encounter was caught on camera and shared via Seoul Police's official YouTube channel on Monday. In a statement toward the end of the video, Seoul Police reaffirmed their commitment to combating drug-related crimes and cautioned the public against the dangers of drugs.

By Moon Ki Hoon (