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[New in Korean] Can knowing your past life save your present one?

"The Novice Shaman Reading Past Lives" by Lee Sun-young (Clayhouse)

"The Novice Shaman Reading Past Lives"

By Lee Sun-young


A pair of novice shamans claim that past-life insights can unravel present-day problems. With their help, people find a second chance at life in this heartwarming drama infused with comedy and emotion.

The fortune-telling shop Miss Korea has garnered a reputation for helping clients discover their past lives.

The vibrant place is run by two shamans: There's the enigmatic Madame Go, whose age remains a mystery, and Dong-ja, looking like an ordinary man in traditional Korean attire, who claims that he communicates with a child spirit. If the fortunes do not hit the mark, they even offer a "retouch" -- the two bold and unconventional shamans opening new doors in people’s lives.

From a college student who secretly drops out of school because he cannot find his dream, a weary doctor of a neighborhood clinic tired of hearing his elderly patients say, “You might as well die when you’re old,” a housewife stuck in a stagnant marriage and an elderly man collecting scrap metal to make ends meet to a disabled person struggling with stock market losses -- these shamans not only lift their spirits but also seem to rewrite their destinies. Their clients leave with more than just laughter and comfort; they walk away with answers to life’s toughest questions.

Author Lee Sun-young made her debut with the award-winning mystery novel “The Last Pythagorean” (2010). Her previous novel, “The Love Pharmacy of the Botero Family,” has been translated into multiple languages including Italian, French and Spanish.

By Hwang Dong-hee (