[팟캐스트] (329) 한·프 스타트업 맞손 / 강다니엘, 활동 중단 선언 "우울증·공황장애 진단"
PodcastDec 4, 2019
진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer1. [Diplomatic circuit] [Meet the diplomat] Paris looks to Korea’s technology, startups for cooperation: French ambassador아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638[1] In South Korea, France is known predominantly for its rich history, sophisticated culture and luxury brands. But take a deeper look into the history between the two countries, and traces of France can b