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Cain denies report of sexual harassment

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain's campaign is denying allegations that he was twice accused of sexual harassment while he was the head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s.

In a statement Sunday to The Associated Press, his campaign disputed a Politico report that said Cain had been accused of sexually suggestive behavior toward at least two female employees.

Republican presidential candidate businessman Herman Cain speaks at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition presidential candidate forum, in Des Moines, Iowa, Saturday. (AP-Yonhap News)
Republican presidential candidate businessman Herman Cain speaks at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition presidential candidate forum, in Des Moines, Iowa, Saturday. (AP-Yonhap News)

The report said the women signed agreements with the restaurant group that gave them five-figure financial payouts to leave the association and barred them from discussing their departures. Neither woman was identified.

The report was based on anonymous sources and, in one case, what the publication said was a review of documentation that described the allegations and the resolution.

Cain's campaign told the AP that the allegations were not true, and amounted to unfair attacks.

"Inside-the-Beltway media have begun to launch unsubstantiated personal attacks on Cain," spokesman J.D. Gordon said in a written statement. "Dredging up thinly sourced allegations stemming from Mr. Cain's tenure as the Chief Executive Officer at the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s, political trade press are now casting aspersions on his character and spreading rumors that never stood up to the facts."

Asked if Cain's campaign was denying the report, Gordon said, "Yes."

"These are baseless allegations," Gordon said in a second interview later Sunday evening. "To my knowledge, this is not an accurate story."

Cain plans to continue with several planned appearances in Washington on Monday. He is slated to discuss his tax plan at the American Enterprise Institute, appear at the National Press Club and hold a healthcare briefing on Capitol Hill.

Cain — a self-styled outsider relatively new to the national stage — is facing a new level of scrutiny after a burst of momentum in the race for the GOP presidential nomination. He's been steadily at or near the top of national surveys and polls in early presidential nominating states, competitive with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

The former pizza company executive has been pointing to his long record in business to argue that he has the credentials needed to be president during a time of economic strife.

In its report, Politico said it confronted Cain early Sunday outside of the CBS News Washington bureau, where he had just been interviewed on "Face the Nation."

"I am not going to comment on that," he told Politico when asked specifically about one of the woman's claims.

When asked if he had ever been accused of harassment by a woman, he responded, Politico said, by asking the reporter, "Have you ever been accused of sexual harassment?"

A message seeking comment from Peter Kilgore, listed on the National Restaurant Association website as its chief legal counsel, was not immediately returned.




美공화 다크호스 케인 `성희롱 의혹' 복병

폴리티코 "요식업협회장시절 여직원 2명에 부적절 언행"

내년 대선에서 버락 오바마 현 대통령에 맞설 공화당 대항마로 급부상하고 있는 허먼 케인이 성희롱 의혹이라는 `복병'을 만났다.

정치전문매체인 폴리티코는 30일 케인이 전미요식업협회(이하 협회) 회장으로 있던 1990년대 중·후반에 협회 여직원 2명이 케인의 외설적인 언행을 문제삼은  사 실을 확인했다고 보도했다.

당시 해당 직원들은 케인의 외설적인 언행에 분노와 불편함을 느꼈다고  주장했 으며, 각각 수 만 달러 선의 합의금을 받고 직장을 떠났다고 폴리티코는 전했다.

여직원들은 케인이 각종 행사때 호텔이나 협회 사무실 등에서 외설적인 비유나 질문을 했고, 부적절한 제스처를 취하기도 했다고 주장했다.

폴리티코는 케인이 협회장을 맡고 있을 당시 협회 상황을 잘 아는 전 현직 협회 관계자들을 통해 취재했으며, 협회 차원에서 공식적으로 이 사안을 해결했음을 보여 주는 자료도 열람했다고 보도했다.

그러나 당사자인 케인은 폴리티코의 사실 확인 요청에 "내 밑에서 일한 사람이 수천명에 달한다"며 "구체적인 사실이나 증거를 보기 전에는 코멘트할 수 없다"고 말했다.

또 케인의 캠프는 이번 의혹을 "근거없는 인신공격"이라고 일축하면서 트위터를 통해 "슬프게도 우리는 이미 이 영화가 예전에 상영됐을 때 봤다. 케인과 모든 미국 인들은 더 나은 대접을 받을 가치가 있다"고 밝혔다고 로이터통신이 보도했다.

피자 체인 최고경영자(CEO) 출신인 케인은 최근 공화당 대선 경선전에서 미트 롬니 전 매사추세츠 주지사와 선두를 다투고 있다. 무엇보다 자수성가한 흑인이라는 점은 오바마 대통령의 흑인표를 잠식할 수 있는 잠재력으로 분석되고 있다. 

그러나 공직 경험이 없다는 점과 그 때문에 검증의 칼날 위에 서본 적이 없는 점은 약점으로 평가되고 있다. (연합뉴스)
