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Software on top of South Korean gov’t agenda

[THE INVESTOR] Large companies will face lower barriers in bidding for the public sector’s software development projects, and more educational institutions will be made to offer specialized software-related education. The government aims to raise software exports from US$ 6 billion last year to US$ 10 billion by 2020.

As part of its service sector development strategy announced on July 5, the government said that the barrier for large companies in conducting government projects will be lowered. The government also plans to revise related regulations to allow large public software development projects to be conducted with funding from the private sector. 

During the second half of the year, the government will select and launch software-based projects concerning medical, manufacturing, shipbuilding and primary industries.

Regarding the education system, the government said that the number of elementary, middle and high schools offering software-related education will be raised from 900 this year to 1,500 in 2017. Such programs will be made compulsory at all schools from 2018, and the number of universities with specialized software courses will be raise to 30 by 2019, the government said.

By Choi He-suk (
