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Bugeotguk (dried pollack soup)

Bugeotguk (Institute of Traditional Korean Food)
Bugeotguk (Institute of Traditional Korean Food)
Bugeotguk is a soup made by boiling seasoned bugeo (dried pollack) after it has been soaked and ripped. Bugeo is available year-round at a low price in Korea and, therefore, bugeotguk is an everyday soup for Koreans. It is believed that bugeo protects the liver and many people have bugeotguk after drinking alcohol.


● 1 dried pollack (skinned yellowish dried pollack)

● seasoning: 1/2 tbsp minced green onion, 1 tsp minced garlic, 1/8 tsp ground white pepper, 1/2 tbsp sesame oil

● 100g radish, 20g small green onion, 1/4 ea red pepper

● 1 tsp sesame oil

● 7 cups water, 1 tsp clear soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp salt

● 1 ea egg

1. Remove the head, tail and fins of the dried pollack (55g) and soak in water for 10 sec. Wrap it with damp cotton cloths and let it sit for 30 min.

2. When the dried pollack is soft, take out the bones and spine. Rip it up into about 5 cm-long pieces and season it (120g).

3. Trim and clean the radish, shred it 3 cm-squared and 0.3 cm-thick (90g).

4. Trim and clean the small green onion, cut it into 3~4 cm-long (15g) pieces. Halve the red pepper and seed, then cut it into 3 cm-long and 0.3 cm-wide (4g) pieces.

5. Beat egg.

6. When the pot is preheated, oil and stir-fry the dried pollack and radish together for 1 min. on medium heat. Add water and boil on high heat for 7 min.

7. Reduce the heat to medium and boil for 20 min. more. Season with diluted soy sauce and salt. Put small green onion and red pepper, draw lines with beaten egg on top and bring to the boil.


● Shred dried pollack may be used for dried pollack soup.

● Bean sprouts may make the soup cool in taste.

(Adapted from the Institute of Traditional Korean Food)