한국은행이 7개월 만에 기준금리를 2.50%로 인하하면서 한은 조직 안에서 이 결정이 잘못됐다는 반발의 목소리가 새어 나왔다.
한은의 한 차장은 내부게시판에 전날 금융통화위원회의 금리 인하가 납득이 되지 않는 결정이라며 반박했다.
A차장은 5월 금리 인하와 김충수 총재가 지난주 국회와 인도출장 등에서는 금리동결 입장을 고수하는 발언들과 상충하지 않는다고 말했다.
김 총재는 지금까지 재정부양책을 지원하기 위해 통화정책을 완화시키라는 정부의 압박에 저항해왔었으나 9일 깜짝 인하를 발표하며 금리 인하가 정부 정책협조 차원이었다고 밝혔다.
A차장은 물가나 성정 전망이 특별히 바뀌지 않았다는 점, 금리를 인하한 유럽연합은 기축통화 보유국인 이유를 들어 인하논리가 매우 궁색하다고 지적했다.
그는 “정책결정 독립과 정부와의 협조를 모두 잡고자 4월 동결, 5월 인하를 선택한 것이라면 독립성도 구기고 정책협조 효과도 약화하는 상처만 남긴 것”이라며 “한은은 우리 경제에 어떤 도움이 됐는지 납득할 수 없다”고 덧붙였다.
한편 기획재정부는 금리 인하 발표직 후 정부의 경기부양책에 시너지를 기대할 수 있게 됐다며 한은의 결정을 환영한다고 밝혔다.
<관련 영문 기사>
BOK insiders criticize rate cut
By Park Hyong-ki
The central bank’s latest rate cut, which was contrary to the market forecasts, appeared to be attracting backlash from not only the industry for yielding to government pressure, but also within the organization.
A senior manager at the Bank of Korea blatantly criticized the central bank for lowering its key base rate, saying that it was an illogical decision that only damaged its credibility as an independent entity.
The manager wrote that its rate cut on Thursday went against what BOK Gov. Kim Choong-soo had been saying before the National Assembly or during the ASEAN central bankers’ meeting in India last week.
Kim had maintained the central bank’s position over the benchmark interest rate, resisting pressure by the government to loosen its monetary policy to support its fiscal stimulus. The BOK froze its key rate for six straight months, and slashed the rate on Thursday, saying that it would only be right to assist the government in increasing the effect of its fiscal stimulus.
The central bank’s change of heart made no sense, the manger said, as there was no change to its projections on the economy or inflation. Also, Europe’s rate cut is not enough to justify the BOK to follow given that Europe has the capability to do so since the euro is one of key international currencies.
Thursday’s rate cut has only left a wound on the BOK’s independence, as well as adversely affected the policy mix with the government, the manager said.
The country’s central bank has frequently come under pressure for failing to act independently, and succumbing to pressure from the Finance Ministry.
The ministry lauded the recent rate cut, saying that coupled with the decision to inject the nation’s fiscal budget, the economy would receive a big boost.