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Samsung files suits against Apple in Japan, Australia

SEOUL, Oct. 17 (Yonhap) -- Samsung Electronics Co. said Monday that it asked judges in Japan and Australia to temporarily ban sales of the iPhone 4S, accusing Apple Inc. of violating its mobile  and user interface patents.
In Japan, Samsung is also seeking to win a court injunction on the iPad 2, it said in a statement.

"Apple has continued to violate our patent rights and free ride on our technology. We will no longer stand idly by and will steadfastly protect our intellectual property," Samsung's statement said.

Before the iPhone 4S hit shelves globally on Friday, Samsung filed motions in Italy and France to ban sales of the smartphone, also alleging Apple's violations of Samsung's mobile technologies. 

Despite this, the iPhone 4S, one of the last products introduced during Steve Jobs' life, went on sale in seven countries, including France. The smartphone received forecast-beating demand around the world and broke the sales records of the previous iPhones.

The escalating legal disputes between Samsung and Apple that started in April spans a dozen countries and around 20 lawsuits, even though Apple is Samsung's biggest customer for its semiconductor business.

Apple secured a temporary sales ban on Samsung's tablet computer in Germany and Australia, which may ultimately force the Korean firm to miss out on the key holiday sales season. Samsung appealed to both courts, it said. 

Dutch judges also ruled in favor of Apple last week, turning down Samsung's request to place an injunction on Apple's mobile devices for patent infringements. 

In its latest offensive against the iPhone maker in Japan, Samsung claimed that Apple infringed on one mobile patent related to deciding the amount of power consumption during data transmission and three user interface patents on displaying information on the screen.

In Australia, Samsung accused Apple of infringing on three mobile patents related to data transmission, and transmitting and receiving data.


삼성, 일본-호주서 아이폰4S 판매금지 신청

삼성전자가 프랑스와 이탈리아에 이어 일본과 호주에서도 애플의 신제품 '아이폰4S'의 판매금지를 신청했다.

삼성전자는 일본 도쿄 법원과 호주 뉴사우스웨일스 법원에서 '아이폰4S'를 대상 으로 특허권 침해에 따른 판매금지 가처분 소송을 제기했다고 17일 밝혔다.

일본에서는 '아이폰4S'와 함께 기존 출시 제품인 '아이폰4' '아이패드2'에 대한판매금지도 함께 신청했다.

삼성전자가 애플에 침해당했다고 주장한 특허는 호주에서 광대역코드분할다중접속(WCDMA)과 고속패킷접속(HSPA) 등 3세대 이동통신 표준 특허 3건이고, 일본에서 HSPA 표준특허와 휴대전화 사용자인터페이스(UI) 관련 상용특허 등 3건이다.

삼성전자는 지난 13일(현지시간) 호주 법원의 갤럭시탭 10.1 판매금지 가처분 결정에 대해서도 이날 항소했다고 덧붙였다.

삼성전자는 "휴대전화 등 핵심 사업이 보유한 특허 자산에 대한 '무임승차(Free Ride)'를 더이상 간과하지 않을 것"이라며 "이와 같은 취지에서 프랑스와  이탈리아에 이어 일본·호주에서도 즉각 판매금지 가처분 소송을 제기한 것"이라고 밝혔다.
