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[팟캐스트] (628) "여자도 군대가면 전우애로 출산율 올라간다" 발언 논란

진행자: 박준희, Chelsea Proctor

Conscripting women to lead to 'more babies,' claims military think tank

기사 요약: 국방부 산하 한국군사문제연구원 원장이 ‘여성이 군대에 가면 전우애가 생겨 혼인율과 출산율이 올라갈 것’이라는 취지의 발언으로 구설에 올랐다.

[1] The chief of a military think tank in South Korea has sparked controversy after suggesting that conscripting women into the military could boost marriage and fertility rates.

* Chief: (단체의) 최고위자

* Suggest: 제안하다, 추천하다

* Boost: 북돋우다, 증가

* Fertility rate: 출산율

[2] “We have reached a point where women need to serve in the military. In that case, men and women would sleep in separate rooms in the barracks, but they would still live together like in university dormitories,” said Kim. “Naturally, couples would form. And this camaraderie could lead to more marriages and eventually more babies.”

* Reach a point: ~의 수준에 달하다

* Barracks: 막사, 병영

* Camaraderie: 동지애

* Lead to: ~로 이어지다

[3] Conscription of women into the military is good for creating opportunities for men and women to meet, according to him, and also for deploying women as a combat force in times of emergency.

* Conscription: 장병제

* Opportunity: 기회

* Deploy: 배치하다

* Combat force: 전투부대

[4] Rep. Park Sun-won of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea also criticized Kim’s remarks, calling on the government to take responsibility for having appointed Kim. Park criticized Kim for making a “very inappropriate comment trying to use the military as a tool for childbirth,” and called on the defense minister, currently Kim Yong-hyun, who has the authority to appoint the KIMA president, to apologize immediately.

* Criticize: 비판, 비난하다

* Call on: 요청하다, 촉구하다

* Take responsibility: 떠메다

* Inappropriate: 부적절한, 부적합한

기사 전문:

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):

팟빵 (안드로이드):

By Park Jun-hee (