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Sohn tapped to head panel

Sohn Kyung-shik, chairman of the Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industries, has been named as new head of the Presidential Council on National Competitiveness, a government official said Thursday.

President Lee Myung-bak, currently on vacation, plans to appoint him next week, the sources said.
Sohn Kyung-shik
Sohn Kyung-shik

The appointment would mark the first professional manager to control the advisory body, which the Lee administration set up in 2008 to help boost the local economy.

The post has been occupied by economic bureaucrats such as Sakong Il, chairman of the Korea International Trade Association, and Kang Man-soo, chairman of KDB Financial group.

Sohn, who also heads CJ Group, has served Samsung Electronics and Anguk Fire & Marine Insurance as a senior executive.

Officials said Sohn would help steer the government’s mutual growth policy as the 72-year-old has been dealing with large and small businesses at the KCCI for more than 10 years.

By Shin Hyon-hee (