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Gov't says test shows no trace of radiation in fresh fish

The South Korean government said Tuesday that it has found no trace of radioactive materials in any fish or marine products recently caught in the country's neighboring seas.

The latest test, conducted late last month, tested 118 samples of 16 species that are most popular in the country, according to the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.

"The test conducted in October found no trace of radioactive materials, such as cesium or iodine," it said in a press release.

"The ministry will continue to conduct radiation safety tests on local fishery products and make sure only safe products are sold in the market."

The South Korean government has significantly intensified its radiation watch from one radiation test per quarter to two tests per month shortly after Japan's nuclear power plant operator acknowledged that radioactive water has been and continues to be leaking since a powerful earthquake caused the meltdown of a nuclear reactor at a power plant in Fukushima in March 2011.

South Korea has also placed an import ban on all fishery products from Fukushima and seven other adjacent prefectures in Japan. (Yonhap News)
