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Winter on Korean Peninsula shorter than in 1980s

SEOUL -- Global warming has made winter up to 14 days shorter on the Korean Peninsula over the past three decades, weather officials said Sunday.

The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) said it recently analyzed the duration of seasons in 10 spots across the country and found that the average length of winter in the 2000s was shorter by up to 14 days than in the 1980s.

Gwangju, a southwestern city, experienced the biggest change as the length of winter dropped from 90.9 days on average in the 1980s to 76.9 days in the 2000s. Seoul's winter shortened by 8.1 days.

On the contrary, the length of summer got longer by up to 10 days.

In Cheongju of the central region, the period lengthened by 10.3 days from 109.6 days in the 1980s to 119.9 days in the 2000s.

Chuncheon had 8.4 additional days of summer with summer lasting more than a week longer in Seoul.

The weather service said if global warming continues, some parts of the country may stop experiencing winter while summer would continue for more than five months in Seoul. (Yonhap News)
