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Man sentenced to suspended jail term for throwing feces at ex-president's tomb

A local court on Friday sentenced a 63-year-old man to a two-year suspended jail term for throwing human excrement at the tomb of late former President Roh Moo-hyun.

The man, identified only by his surname Jeong, was caught in November last year after pelting a bag of feces at Roh's grave in Bongha Village, Gimhae, some 450 kilometers southeast of Seoul.

Roh took his own life in May 2009 by jumping off a cliff near his retirement home in Bongha Village, amid prosecutors' widening investigation into his family and aides over bribery allegations.

The Changwon District Court sentenced Jeong to six months in prison for property damage but suspended the term for two years.

The prosecution had demanded a two-year jail term.

Jeong confessed in a court hearing that he wanted to bring attention to the "negative consequences" of Roh's liberal rule.

(Yonhap News)
