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Gibson could face 4 years for domestic violence

Mel Gibson appears in last year’s box office dud “Ege of Darkness” which was supposed to be the iconic actor’s comeback film. (GK Films)
Mel Gibson appears in last year’s box office dud “Ege of Darkness” which was supposed to be the iconic actor’s comeback film. (GK Films)
Hollywood actor, Mel Gibson is set to be charged for hitting ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva and could face four years in jail.

According to the British tabloid The Sun, the 55-year-old actor has been accused of breaking two of Grigorieva’s teeth at the home they shared in Malibu, California.

The alleged attack occurred last January, while Grigorieva was holding their baby, then two months old.

The Sun quoted, the 40-year-old Russian singer as saying, “I was scared for my life and my daughter’s. He punched me in the mouth, and the end of the blow brushed her chin.”

“I went to the kitchen to grab my keys and he’s pulling a gun out of his shorts. I thought he would kill me,” said Grigoreiva, according to The Sun.

Gibson denies hitting Oksana and has claimed she tried to extort money from him.

A charge could be brought as a felony or misdemeanor.

If convicted of a felony, Gibson could face up to four years in prison. A misdemeanor conviction could result in a 12-month term in a county jail.

By Moon Ye-bin (
Intern reporter

Edited by Paul Kerry

<한글 요약>

할리우드 배우 멜 깁슨 (55)이 전 여자친구를 폭행한 혐의로 4년 징역형에 처해 질 수 있다고 영국 일간지 더 선이 보도했다.

검찰은 지난해 1월 미국 캘리포니아에서 그레고리에바 (40)의 치아 두 개를 부러뜨린 혐의로 기소된 깁슨에게 4년 징역형을 구형했다.

러시아 출신 가수인 그레고리에바는 그녀가 열쇠를 가지러 부엌으로 갔을 때 깁슨이 반바지에서 총을 꺼내는 행위까지 했다고 밝혔다.

깁슨은 그리고리에바를 때렸다는 주장을 부인하고 있으며 그녀가 자신에게 돈을 뜯어내기 위해 꾸민 짓이라고 주장했다.

만약에 중죄로 판결날 경우 4년동안 교도소에 있어야 하며, 경범죄로 유죄 판결을 받을 경우에는 카운티 감옥에서 1년을 지내야 한다.