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Repeat robbers may get electronic tags

The government is considering making those convicted of repeated robberies wear electronic anklets, which are currently required for sex offenders and murderers, from next year.

The Justice Ministry said Thursday that it is pushing to revise the law to apply the traceable electronic device to robbers.

The law is currently imposed only on criminals considered likely to repeat crimes such as sex offenses, child kidnapping and murder.

The ministry claims that robbery should be prevented through stronger measures, saying it has a higher rate of recidivism than other crimes and can lead to more serious crimes.

“The recidivism rate of robbery is 27.4 percent, far higher than 14.8 percent in sex offenses and 10.2 percent in murder. It is a serious crime, with most of the cases being premeditated,” said a ministry official.

“By introducing electronic anklets, we will be able to prevent the crime more effectively.”

The ministry had attempted to have robbery convicts fitted with the electronic device in a legal revision in 2009, but the proposal could not be discussed at the National Assembly at the time.

The ministry plans to complete a revised bill and submit it to the National Assembly as early as September. If approved, the bill is expected to take effect next year, the ministry said.

After the revision, the ministry said it could consider adding those convicted of other crimes that are frequently repeated, such as arson.

Since the implementation of the law in 2008, a total of 401 convicts, including 208 murderers and 193 sex offenders, were wearing the electronic anklet as of Thursday.

By Lee Ji-yoon (