헬스 트레이너 숀텔 던칸(Chontel Duncan)과 나탈리 스미스(Natalie Smith)는 임신 기간이 4주밖에 차이 나지 않지만 복부 팽창도가 현저히 달라 온라인에서 화제가 됐었다.
던칸과 스미스는 둘 다 건강한 아이를 출산했다.
@chontelduncan/Instagram |
이 둘이 임신기간 배를 맞대고 찍은 사진은, 임신기간이 비슷하더라도 여성마다 배가 부풀어오르는 정도가 다르다는 사실을 다시금 널리 알리는 계기가 됐다.
아래는 정확히 동일한 개월 수의 임산부들이다.
17주차28주차Hello third trimester!!! How did this happen? Pregnancy needs to slow the heck down. Flying by is an understatement. Here's a little update for yall :) Baby boy kicks, rolls, & dances around like an alien all day. Not sure if babies are supposed to be this active but this little guy never stops! I love it so much. I'm eating everything in sight. And completely unapologetic about it. Somehow, I'm still sleeping like a rock at night. I don't even wake up for the infamous bathroom runs I was warned about. Pretty thankful to continue sleeping super comfy & soundly. We picked out a name for baby boy!!!!! ?? which was basically a 2 year process because I'm completely indecisive with something as important as a name. We won't announce it until he's born, but it's super perfect for our new family member. ?? Starting to really slow down in both the energy and mobility departments :( I get tired around 7 and that's completely useless since I'm an inherent night owl. I also am having a hard time tying my shoes ?? Still cooking big dinners every night and breakfast or lunch most days. Sometimes that's really hard, but it's always rewarding when we get to sit down and enjoy good food :) I imagine Matt will take over the cooking sometime in May when I'm really ready to check out. Til then, bring on that chef hat! We are still working on remodeling our house and this preggo lady has been sanding, staining, drilling, and caulking just about every day haha nothing will stop me!?????? except 7 o'clock. And bubble baths. And cozy beds. And yummy food. Then I'm borderline useless. Zero progress on a nursery. Still a storage room. Lord help me. Baby was measuring perfectly at my last appointment & his heart is still strong which makes my heart strong too! That about sums it up :) feeling wonderful, loving pregnancy, eating all the things, and crazy excited to meet our baby. 86 days to go!
Heather Grimm(@headygrimm)님이 게시한 사진님, 2016 2월 29 오전 8:12 PST