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[Video] Korean winter staples for cold nights

Koreans enjoy edible tokens of appreciation and affection with family and friends during the winter season. It’s considered one of the best ways to leave the year behind by dishing out winter specials to relish the festive mood.

Yet, as the virus continues to spread, gorging on food indoors has risen as a major trend to keep the global pandemic at bay. With many self-quarantining themselves, people are reaching out to making iconic winter street foods in Korea at home. Convenient ways of making the foods are being shared via social media as well.

Hotteok is a Korean-style pancake. The inside is composed of cinnamon, sugar, nuts and honey, and it is finished with a crispy touch. The sweet yet gooey inner stuffing makes outdoor adventures during the cold months exciting. It’s also one of the nation’s go-to street foods during frigid temperatures.

Bungeo-ppang, or “fish bread,” is a goldfish-shaped pastry with a syrupy red-bean paste taking center stage. As its name suggests, the term “bungeo” translates into “crucian carp” and “ppang” means “bread.” Fish-shaped molds are typically used to form the shape. The luscious flavor of the snack is an easy favorite for people with a sweet tooth in particular.

Please check out the video if you wish to bond over local comforts and reminisce about the way life was.

Video script and article by Park Jun-hee (
Video shot and edited by Ju Young-eun (