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Nirvana, Kiss join Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

WASHINGTON (AFP) ― Nirvana swept into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in its first year of eligibility, the musical museum said, welcoming it and other groups like glam outfit Kiss.

Peter Gabriel, Hall and Oates, Cat Stevens and Linda Ronstadt join Nirvana and Kiss ― known for Gene Simmons’ famously wagging tongue ― among the new members announced Monday. They will be inducted next year.

The Cleveland, Ohio institution said Brian Epstein, manager of the Beatles from 1962 until his death in 1967, will be inducted for Lifetime Achievement.

So will Rolling Stones manager Andrew Loog Oldham, the Hall of Fame said in a statement.

Oldham propelled the Stones to “worldwide stardom and crafted their bad boy image so well it became both their brand and burden,” it said.

He “helped shepherd a run of landmark recordings that continues to bear influence a half-century later.”

Another honoree is The E Street Band, which Bruce Springsteen formed in 1973. It helped “establish Springsteen’s legendary reputation as one of the greatest performers in the history of rock ’n’ roll.”

Springsteen, or The Boss, was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1999.

To be eligible for membership, a performer, composer or musician must have released a record at least 25 years prior to the year of induction and “have demonstrated unquestionable musical excellence,” in the words of the Hall of Fame.