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G-20 summit declaration says Paris Agreement irreversible, makes no mention of N. Korea

Leaders of the Group of 20 major countries wrapped up two days of summit meetings in Hamburg on Saturday with a declaration that the Paris climate agreement is "irreversible" despite the US decision to withdraw from the global pact aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The G-20 Leaders' Declaration, however, made no mention of North Korea, even though the meetings came just a few days after the communist nation stunned the world with its first test-firing of an intercontinental capable ballistic missile potentially capable of reaching the United States.

The declaration said the leaders "take note" of the US decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, but they also noted the US promises to work closely with other countries to help them access and use fossil fuels more cleanly and efficiently, and help deploy renewable and other clean energy sources.


"The Leaders of the other G-20 members state that the Paris Agreement is irreversible," the declaration said. "We reaffirm our strong commitment to the Paris Agreement, moving swiftly towards its full implementation in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities."

On trade, the leaders agreed that international trade and investment are important engines of growth, and pledged to "keep markets open" while noting the importance of "reciprocal and mutually advantageous trade and investment frameworks and the principle of nondiscrimination."

They also agreed to "continue to fight protectionism, including all unfair trade practices and recognize the role of legitimate trade defense instruments." (Yonhap)
