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Trump's plan to visit China, Japan taking shape: reports

WASHINGTON -- US President Donald Trump is expected to visit China in the second half of this year, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai was quoted as saying.

Cui made the remark during a film screening event held at his embassy on Friday, saying the envisioned visit by Trump will be the most important event in relations between the two countries in the second half, according to the China Daily.

The envoy did not mention any specific dates.

US President Donald Trump (L) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (Yonhap)
US President Donald Trump (L) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (Yonhap)

Trump agreed to visit China later this year when Chinese President Xi Jinping invited him during their first summit talks in Florida earlier this month.

Japan's Mainichi Shimbun reported that Japan and the US are looking into the possibility of Trump visiting Tokyo when he travels to the Philippines for the East Asia Summit in November.

US Vice President Mike Pence revealed Trump's travel plans when he visited the secretariat of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Jakarta.

During the Asia trip, Trump will also visit Vietnam for an annual summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, Pence said.

The EAS is scheduled for Nov. 13-14, while the APEC summit is set for Nov. 11-12.

The announcement has raised speculation that Trump could also visit other Asian nations as part of the trip, such as China, Japan and South Korea. (Yonhap)
