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Musical ‘Chicago’ donates 2,000 units of blood

Celebrating its 200th performance, members of the Broadway musical “Chicago” delivered 2,000 blood donor cards to the Korea Childhood Leukemia Foundation on July 29.

For two years, Seensee Company has been selling special tickets at a 30 percent discount for purchasers who donate their blood donor card. The cards represent one unit of blood from each donor.

In addition, the company invited the Korea Childhood Leukemia Foundation officials, childhood cancer patients and their families to the show.
The cast of the Broadway musical “Chicago,” Sung Gi-yoon (left), Insooni (second from right) and Ivy (right) deliver 2,000 blood donor cards to Seo Sung-won of the Korea Childhood Leukemia Foundation on July 29. (Seensee Company)
The cast of the Broadway musical “Chicago,” Sung Gi-yoon (left), Insooni (second from right) and Ivy (right) deliver 2,000 blood donor cards to Seo Sung-won of the Korea Childhood Leukemia Foundation on July 29. (Seensee Company)

Singers Insooni and Ivy and musical actor Sung Gi-yoon, who are part of the current “Chicago” cast, attended the ceremony where the donor cards were delivered to the Korea Childhood Leukemia Foundation.

The blood will be distributed to hospitals offering childhood cancer treatment and will be given to patients who are in need of it.

“Chicago” runs until Oct. 7 at the D-Cube Arts Center in Seoul. Tickets range from 40,000 won to 110,000 won, and can be purchased at the discounted rate. For tickets and more information, call 1544-1555.

By Lee Hyun-jae, Intern reporter  (