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S. Korea, Japan to hold talks on cultural exchange

South Korea and Japan plan to hold a director-general level meeting on cultural exchange in Tokyo this week for the first time in four years despite strained bilateral ties, Seoul's foreign ministry said Wednesday.

Kim Dong-gi, director-general of the cultural affairs bureau at Seoul's foreign ministry, will meet with his Japanese counterpart Jun Shimmi on Thursday to assess the current state of cultural exchanges as well as the future direction of people-to-people exchanges, it said.

The two sides will also discuss ways to hold cultural events next year, which marks the 50th anniversary of normalizing diplomatic ties between Seoul and Tokyo, the ministry added.

"The talks indicate the two governments' will to promote cultural cooperation," the ministry said in a statement. "Seoul plans to continue to expand cultural cooperation."

The move comes amid increased contact between Seoul and Tokyo over cultural exchanges in recent weeks despite frayed bilateral ties due to Japan's perceived denial of wartime atrocities.

Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se attended a joint cultural event here with Japan on Sunday and met Tokyo's ambassador to Seoul Koro Bessho afterwards.

Yun said Tuesday that continued exchanges in non-political areas can help mend ties between Seoul and Tokyo. (Yonhap)
