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U.K. Embassy holding English program for defectors

The British Embassy said on Friday that it will launch an English education service for North Korean defectors.

The British Embassy is currently accepting applications from defectors for the “English for the Future” program which will provide a year of English education and a three-month internship.

The embassy will also choose one student to receive a full-time postgraduate scholarship in the U.K.

The program is intended to help North Korean defectors in a field that is widely known to be one of their greater hindrances in pursuing education here in South Korea.

Over 70 defectors have taken part in the program, held by the British Council and the embassy, which started in June 2011.

The internship opportunities in the past have included the embassy, British Council, Associated Press, Korea Tourism Organization and Hyundai Development Co.

The embassy will also award one of the defectors with the Chevening scholarship for a year of postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom. So far the embassy has awarded two defectors with the prestigious scholarship.

Following the Aug. 20 deadline, final candidates will be contacted and interviewed on Sept. 3.

For more information, go to the British Embassy website: or email

By Robert Lee (