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Ivory Coast marksnational day, ties

The Ivory Coast celebrated its national day in Seoul on Wednesday, marking the country’s 51st anniversary of ties with Korea.

Ivorian Ambassador Kouassi Florent Ekra commemorated the event marking his country’s 52nd year of independence with a speech on the relations between the two countries in front of ambassadors and other dignitaries including Vice Minister of Culture, Sport and Tourism Kwak Young-jin.

“During that whole period, relations have remained excellent at the political level,” said Ekra, noting the numerous visits of ministers to the respective countries.
Ivorian Ambassador Kouassi Florent Ekra (fifth from left) and other ambassadors of African nations cut a cake to celebrate Ivory Coast’s national day in Seoul on Wednesday. (Robert Lee)
Ivorian Ambassador Kouassi Florent Ekra (fifth from left) and other ambassadors of African nations cut a cake to celebrate Ivory Coast’s national day in Seoul on Wednesday. (Robert Lee)

The ambassador added his thanks to the Korean government for their support through donations including automobiles and computer equipment.

“We must also add the cooperation in the fields of new information technology and communication, training and health care,” said the ambassador.

However the ambassador did add regret that economic and trade exchanges had not been able to keep up with the political relations.

“Work remains to be done to bring it up to a level comparable to political relations,” said Ekra.

Bilateral trade between Korea and the African nation hit $95 million in 2011 with a $90 million surplus for Korea. Trade between the two nations first began in 1967 and has seen a steady but moderate increase over the past decade despite past conflicts in the country. For the first half of this year, bilateral trade stood at $57 million.

The ambassador went on to reassure Koreans that the country’s violent past was no longer a concern for those who wish to visit the country and invest.

“Now that the country has returned to peace and stability, it is on road to economic recovery with a strong priority to substantially reduce poverty rates,” he said.

He added that the country expected an 8 percent growth rate for 2012.

By Robert Lee (