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KOTRA opens Paraguay office

The Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency is set to open a new office in Asuncion, Paraguay, in September.

The state-run agency will be setting up the office to help businesses from both countries enter each other’s markets.

“This is very important as the office of KOTRA will open in Paraguay to assist Korean businessmen in selling Korean products to Paraguay and look for investment opportunities in the country,” said Paraguayan Ambassador Ceferino Valdez.

The office will also receive help from its Paraguayan counterpart, Rediex, which is a state-run export promotion agency.

“This office will assist both sides, Koreans and Paraguayans to find the exact way of working together and open market opportunities,” said the ambassador.

KOTRA runs some 111 Korea Business Centers in 76 countries including Bogota, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo.
