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Indian Embassy to create defense attache in September

India is set to create a defense attache to Korea in September, Indian Ambassador Vishnu Prakash said Tuesday.

“In September our full-fledged defense attach is being set up here as a part of the embassy,” said Prakash.

The announcement comes after Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh discussed greater defense cooperation measures with President Lee Myung-bak in Seoul last March.

The two had agreed to establish a military attache at the Indian Embassy this year but had not set a specific time.

According to the ambassador, the move is a sign of strengthening relationships between the two countries.

“This is reflective of how security cooperation and defense cooperation is growing,” Prakash told The Korea Herald.

South Korean Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin is also expected to visit India during the latter half of the year, after his Indian counterpart visited Seoul in 2010.

By Robert Lee (