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Former envoy carries torch for Samsung

Former British Ambassador Martin Uden carries the Olympic torch in Liverpool, U.K. (British Embassy)
Former British Ambassador Martin Uden carries the Olympic torch in Liverpool, U.K. (British Embassy)
The former British Ambassador to Seoul has carried the Olympic torch on behalf of a Korean company.

Martin Uden had been invited to carry the torch by Samsung while he was still ambassador here.

About 8,000 people are carrying the torch to cover a distance of about 8,000 miles throughout the U.K. for the relay from May 19 ― July 27 ahead of the London Summer Olympics.

Uden carried the torch through the Knotty Ash area of Liverpool in England earlier this month.

“We were certainly lucky that the weather has been wonderful for the relay but the crowds that have come out to see the relay have been remarkable. It really has helped people outside London feel a part of Olympic history,” he said.